
Google’s AI startup program

Google is launching a new AI start-up program designed to bring AI to the public sector

Martin Crowley
June 6, 2024

Google has announced it's launching a new (equity-free) AI-focused program for start-ups called “Google for Startups AI Academy: American Infrastructure” which will bring AI technology to the public sector, improving services at a local, state, and national level.

Program details

The program will run for 12 weeks. In that time participants will receive training from AI experts and companies involved in public sector challenge areas, like education, public safety, healthcare, transportation, and urban development. They will be guided by Google’s AI curriculum, created by its People + AI Research (PAIR) team, and attend advanced sales and go-to-market workshops.

They’ll also get access to all of Google’s latest AI tools, and some key industry connections.

Once the 12 weeks are over, participants will become part of the Google alumni community, which includes companies like JustAIr, which uses AI to monitor air pollution, and Cambio, which uses AI to decarbonize commercial real estate.

How to apply for the program

Applications for the program are now open and must be submitted by 17th June. Google is encouraging start-ups that are currently using AI to solve problems across a range of industries, including disaster prevention, environment and sustainability, smart manufacturing and logistics, water management, and workforce development.

Why is Google doing this?

Google is launching this program to support start-ups who are trying to tackle complex challenges and issues within the public sector. They believe that bringing AI technology to public services, within real-life applications, will impact communities and improve public services and infrastructure at local, state, and national levels, making them more efficient, effective, and equitable.