
Toyota and Hyundai powering robots?

Hyundai-owned robotics firm, Boston Dynamics is partnering with Toyota’s Toyota Research Insititute to advance humanoid robots.

Martin Crowley
October 17, 2024

Toyota-owned research institute—TRI—is collaborating with Hyundai-owned robotics firm—Boston Dynamics—to advance the development of the humanoid robot, Atlas. 

Atlas was first revealed by Boston Dynamics, in April. Since then, they’ve released very little detail about its capabilities, except a leaked video of it performing push-ups, demonstrating its dexterity and strength. 

To advance the human capability of Atlas, and enable it to perform everyday tasks, autonomously, as humans can, TRI is supplying its work on Large Behaviour Models (LBMs)—which work similarly to the Large Language Models that enable the likes of ChatGPT to process information and respond to it, with human-like capability—which has already enabled robots to flip pancakes with 90% accuracy. 

“The opportunity to implement TRI’s state-of-the-art AI technology on Boston Dynamics’ hardware is game-changing for each of our organizations as we work to amplify people and improve quality of life…we look forward to working with TRI to accelerate the development of general-purpose humanoids.”