
Canva's 300% price increase!

Canva has increased its subscription prices, in some cases, by 300%

Martin Crowley
September 4, 2024

Design tool, Canva, has shocked users with its dramatic price increase, which sees some users paying up to 300% more than they were.

For example, some subscribers in the US are reporting that they were paying $120 per year, and are now having to fork out $500 per year, for exactly the same number of users (five) and features.

Canva has defended its price increase by claiming it hasn’t changed its pricing for four years, and in that four years has “expanded its product experience” with the integration of new AI tools (like Magic Studio, which includes a text-to-image generator and a background extension tool) which has transformed the platform from being something that just skilled designers would use, to something that anyone can use to create professional, high-quality designs.

“Our original pricing reflected the early stage of this product and has remained unchanged for the last four years. We’re now updating the price for customers on this older plan to reflect our expanded product experience.” — Canva

Users affected by the savage increases are understandably upset and have also taken umbrage with Canva over the way the pricing changes were communicated: Instead of transparently announcing them publicly (as they have previously done), they chose to send private emails to subscribers. This has inspired rumors that Canva is only increasing its prices because it’s grown too quickly, after the acquisition of two companies within the space of four to five months, as it prepares to go public in the US in 2026.