
Microsoft cuts jobs (again)

Microsoft has started another round of job cuts, marking its third this year

Martin Crowley
July 5, 2024

Microsoft has started a new round of layoffs, making it the third time it’s made drastic job cuts this year.

Who has been affected?

It’s unknown how many employees have been affected by the recent job cuts, although it’s thought that the product and program management teams have been impacted the most.

The latest round of layoffs comes after Microsoft cut around 1,000 jobs across various departments–including Azure Cloud and Mixed-Reality teams–last month, and nearly 2,000 from its gaming division team, in January.

Why have they made these layoffs?

In Microsoft’s own words, they have made these “organizational and workforce adjustments” as part of a necessary and normal part of running a profitable business in such a turbulent economy.

It seems to be part of a broader strategy to balance growth and profitability, against rising capital expenditures and a turbulent, highly-competitive industry and also reflects a bigger trend within the tech industry, as over 100,000 tech workers were made redundant in 2023.