
How to Automate Employee Onboarding with Zapier

Amanda Greenwood
August 22, 2024

Onboarding new employees can be a time-consuming process, but with the right automation, you can ensure that every step is handled efficiently and consistently. This guide will walk you through setting up a Zapier workflow to automate your new employee onboarding process, from collecting information to scheduling their orientation.

What you'll need to set up the automation

  • Typeform: For collecting new employee information
  • Trello: For generating onboarding tasks
  • Gmail: For sending a welcome email
  • Google Calendar: For scheduling the orientation
  • Zapier account: If you don’t have a Zapier account, sign up for free here

Step 1: Collect Information with Typeform

First, you'll want to create a Typeform form to gather all necessary information from your new hire. This could include details like their name, position, start date, and any specific preferences

Step 2: Set up your Zap ⚡

Create a new Zap: Click on the "Create Zap" button

Step 3: Set Up 'New Entry' trigger in Zapier

Search for and select 'Typeform' as the trigger app

In the Zap editor, choose "New Entry" as the trigger event. This will start the automation every time a new form is submitted.

Connect your Typeform account and select the specific form you've created for employee onboarding.

Step 4: Set up 'Create card' action in Trello

You'll now want tasks to be created in Trello automatically, to make sure that all onboarding steps are tracked and completed.

In the Zap editor, search for and select Trello as the action app.

In the event field, select "Create Card" as the action event then connect your Trello account.

Customize the card with details from the Typeform submission, such as the employee's name and start date, and place it in your onboarding board.

Step 5: Set up the 'Welcome Email' with Gmail

Next, you need to automate the process of welcoming your new hire with a personalized welcome email.

In the Zap editor, add another action step, then search for and add 'Gmail' as the action app

In the event field, select "Send Email" as the action event and connect your Gmail account.

Set up the email template, using data from Typeform to personalize the message (e.g., including the employee's name and start date).

Step 6: Schedule the Employee Orientation in Google Calendar

Finally, you need to make sure that the new hire's orientation is scheduled into the appropriate calendar.

In the Zap editor, add another action step, then search for and add 'Google Calendar' as the action app

In the event field, select "Create Detailed Event" as the action event, then connect your Google Calendar account.

Use the start date from Typeform to schedule the orientation session, and include any necessary details in the event description.

Step 7: Test and Activate Your Zap

Before going live, it's crucial to test your Zap to ensure everything is working as expected.

Test Each Step: Zapier will guide you through testing each step of your automation. Make sure that each test runs successfully and that the data flows correctly from one app to the next.

Activate Your Zap: Once everything looks good, turn on your Zap. Your new employee onboarding process is now automated!

With this Zap in place, you can streamline your onboarding process, ensuring that every new hire receives a warm welcome and that no steps are missed. This not only saves you time but also helps create a consistent experience for all new employees.