Global regulations

Musk shocks Silicon Valley

Musk has gone against most of Silicon Valley by supporting the controversial SB 1047 AI safety bill

Martin Crowley
August 27, 2024

After OpenAI (alongside other tech companies, politicians, and influencers) publically opposed the new Californian SB 1047 AI safety bill, which Senator Scott Weiner introduced to prevent AI from harming humanity by requiring big tech companies to introduce tighter safety protocols, Elon Musk has openly come out in support of the bill, which has split Silicon Valley in half.

Half of Silicon Valley, including a16z, Meta, OpenAI, and Nancy Pelosi, believe the bill will stifle innovation and drive tech companies out of the area.

The other half, Musk included, believes that, although it’s a “tough call”, and will “make some people upset,” California needs to approve the bill because any tech or products that pose any potential risk to humanity, must be regulated. AI is no different.

If it is passed, then Musk’s AI company, xAI, will likely face these tougher safety measures, especially as its chatbot, Grok, is known for spouting misinformation and spreading deep fakes across the social media platform X, leaving many to question his stance.